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Cavalgada Minuano percorre cinco cidades gaúchas de colonização alemã

De Estância Velha, passando por Lindolfo Collor, Ivoti, Morro Reuter e terminando com almoço de confraternização em Dois Irmãos, foram 64 Km de muita história e tradição, ao norte de Porto Alegre, São Leopoldo e Novo Hamburgo.

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yGrFP1Qc 25/01/2014, às 12:43

Heck yeah bayb-ee keep them coming! [url=]hqxcibghpu[/url] [link=]xjsbbpnzqb[/link]

vzq34R5nK 09/01/2014, às 08:20

That inghist would have saved us a lot of effort early on.

dXufPUkp1 08/01/2014, às 00:41

Well, it\'s pretty oviobus that this young lady has no evidence that there was any incident in which the word \"nigger\" was used or that there was a spitting incident.Poor babies, these rough and tough black caucus members and the John Lewis who marched in Selma have to resort to lying when they confront peaceful but angry American Citizens who are sick and tired of Big Government and Representatives who vote against the interests of their constituents and the wishes of their constituents...

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