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Novo navio da Transpetro, entregue nesta semana, terá duas mulheres no comando

Com 183 metros de comprimento e 48 mil toneladas de porte bruto, o Rômulo Almeida pode transportar 56 milhões de litros de derivados de petróleo

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ZVxUCLV1 09/01/2014, às 09:05

Wow! Great thgkiinn! JK

4JVdjx7BjrFk 08/01/2014, às 02:41

I can see both sides of the spectrum here and its one of the reoasns why I strayed from focusing on certain demographics because no matter what you do it always seems as if someone becomes offended because you left them out or included something they felt should not have been presented in the first place. I also understand the need to help raise awareness and educate Black Professionals in the industry as well as introduce others who may not have any background history about it. But I feel like whenever you include race it seems that people believe or assume that only Black people or Hispanic or White should attend or be involved because that is what your event or business entitles. I am still trying to figure out how to make everyone feel welcomed when you conduct events of that nature.

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